Hello World…

It has been several long years but as I’m sure you all are starting to see, [Seeq].tv is here.  I came up with the idea for [Seeq].tv while in college when I came to the conclusion that pay TV is doomed.  This was in 2011, mind you.  Since that time, “cord cutting” is an actual thing and people are leaving cable networks for newer content created by independent creators with new ideas.  Well, we are as independent as they come and we are a new idea.

The goal for [Seeq].tv is simple.  We are going to be an online source of entertainment for those looking for original content.  For those who prefer to read, we will have the best content with some of the best contributors in the business.  If visual stimuli is more to your liking, we are excited to announce that we will be producing some fantastic content coming to your screened devices soon.  “But what about all those times I just want to listen,” you maybe thinking? Well, we have got you covered there with a slew of new podcasts coming down the pipe as well.

In all, [Seeq].tv aims to be the best place to get your alternate content fix.  Stay tuned as we build and enjoy the ride.  And thank you for tuning in.



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