Comcast Officially Throws Hat In Ring to Buy FOX

In what could be the battle for the ages, Comcast is throwing their hat into the ring for FOX.


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Ruppert Murdoch has a decision to make.  Reported two weeks ago but confirmed today, Comcast, the media giant that owns NBC Universal, has decided to officially announce their intent to buy the beleaguered 21st Century FOX.  The decision to buy the company comes on the heels of Disney’s announcement to acquire the company.

The deal is reportedly worth $60 billion, but unlike the Disney deal, Comcast is offering the Murdochs cold hard cash.  Disney, on the other hand, is buying Fox with stock.  While the Disney purchase would make Murdoch the largest Disney shareholder, the idea of cash could be the thing that sways Rupert Murdoch to sell to Comcast.

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Fox hasn’t exactly been in the best financial shape these days.  The company has had to cancel numerous TV shows due to the expense of acquiring NFL Thursday Night Football.  But while Fox suffers, the one item of particular interest, especially to Disney, are the rights to certain Marvel characters as well as distribution rights to the original Star Wars saga.  Comcast, on the other hand, already owns one of the major networks in NBC.  While Comcast hasn’t specifically stated their intent in buying Fox, speculation has it that it’s to prevent Disney from acquiring certain content and broadcast assets.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on which side of the aisle you are sitting, neither deal is a sure thing.  Of course, Disney, Comcast, and Fox shareholders would have to approve the deal.  Further, regulatory approval would also be required.  The likelihood of Disney getting Fox, in my opinion, is better than Comcast.  Comcast, one of the largest cable providers in America, would likely be scrutinized for non-competative practices.  When Comcast purchased NBC, for example, the company was required to maintain fair carriage fees for competing cable operators.  Owning two of the top four major networks would definitely draw some red flags.  In any case, the question is who will win the bidding war.  For that, only time will tell.

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